Blogger, social media consultant, Vice President of creative services at Professional Blog Service, and co-author, along with Kyle Lacy, of the idea packed and very results oriented book Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself, Erik Deckers, describes the value of a personal brand for business and career success. Erik demonstrates how to utilize social media for developing a personal brand that is both authentic and establishes your expertise in your industry. Erik shares the strategies and tactics needed to create a personal brand from sharing your personal story and promoting yourself honestly to enriching relationships with customers, potential employers, and business collaborators. Learn how to build a personal brand the right way and how to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls that have derailed many personal branding initiatives.
Erik Deckers is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.
The show airs live on Thursday, October 27, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
Blogger, social media consultant, Vice President of creative services at Professional Blog Service, and co-author, along with Kyle Lacy, of the idea packed and very results oriented book Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself, Erik Deckers, describes the value of a personal brand for business and career success. You will learn:
* Why you should consider establishing a personal brand
* How to tell your authentic story online and offline
* How to employ social media the right way to build your personal brand
* How to avoid the mistakes that derail so many personal branding initiatives

Erik Deckers (photo left) is the owner and VP of Creative Services for Professional Blog Service. He has been blogging since 1997, and has been a published writer since 1987. He has been a newspaper humor columnist for since 1994, and is published in 10 newspapers around Indiana. He is also an award-winning playwright, both for stage and radio theater.
Erik helped write Twitter Marketing for Dummies, and recently completed Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself (Que Publishing, December 2010). He is also working on a third book on networking.
Erik frequently speaks on blogging and social media, especially on the topics of personal branding and corporate marketing.
My book review of Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself by Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy.
Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.
If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.
To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832
Let's talk with blogger, social media consultant, Vice President of creative services at Professional Blog Service, and co-author, along with Kyle Lacy, of the idea packed and very results oriented book Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself, Erik Deckers, as he describes the value of a personal brand for business and career success. Erik demonstrates how to utilize social media for developing a personal brand that is both authentic and establishes your expertise in your industry. Erik shares the strategies and tactics needed to create a personal brand from sharing your personal story and promoting yourself honestly to enriching relationships with customers, potential employers, and business collaborators. Learn how to build a personal brand the right way and how to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls that have derailed many personal branding initiatives on Blog Business Success Radio.
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