Congratulations You Aced the Interview
The must read Interview Guide to land the job of your dreams, College Edition
By: Patricia D. Sadar
Published: August 21, 2011
Format: Paperback, 114 pages
ISBN-10: 0982376561
ISBN-13: 978-0982376560
Publisher: Congrats Books
"As college students you may worry that you do not have the years of experience that others may have who have been out of school and working for awhile. That's okay. There is so much that you do have to offer that is just as important as experience: your education, ambition, and enthusiasm to name a few", writes co-founder of Congrats Books™ Inc. and President & CEO of People2Strategy®, Patricia D. Sadar in her concise and successful interviewing idea packed book Congratulations You Aced the Interview: The must read Interview Guide to land the job of your dreams, College Edition. The author provides very hands on and ready to use strategies and techniques to ensure that recent college graduates have effective job interviewing skills, to land that important first job after graduation.
Patricia D. Sadar recognizes that recent college graduates lack the job experience of applicants who have spend some years in the workforce. The author reassures the new employment applicant that they have much to offer as well. She shares ideas for not only leveling the interview playing field, but for tilting the advantage in favor of the new college graduate. Patricia Sadar points out that many impressions of interviews are simply myths, and she breaks through them with real world advice that is relevant for the new job seeker. The author also answers the most frequently asked questions about interview preparation, how to interview effectively, and how to follow up with the interviewer afterwards.

Patricia D. Sadar (photo left) understands that new college graduates are very often confused and even intimidated by the very thought of the employment interview. The author guides the would be interviewee through the entire process, including the different types of interviews, the important and most usually asked questions, and how to prepare for each type effectively. Using a playful, but very useful series of road signs as a road map on the interviewing journey, Patricia Sadar prepares graduates with advice on what is likely to take place during the conversation with the hiring manager, and how to make the key points and ask the right questions that present the interviewee in the best possible light.
The author divides the interview process into a series of manageable steps on the journey to being hired. The steps include:
* Breaking through the myths and learning the facts of interviews
* Where the graduate is now
* Where the graduate wants to be in their career goals
* How to get to those goals most effectively
* Charting the course with the author's road map as a guide
For me, the power of the book is how Patricia D. Sadar combines the real world facts of interviews, with an easy to understand guide, to having a dream interview that gets the job. Using a series of billboards, road signs, dead ends, and barricades, the author steers the job applicant along the road that best suits the individual. At the same time, Patricia Sadar shares universal concepts and interviewing techniques that will provide a competitive advantage to any interviewee.
The author brings to the table her many years of experience as a Human Resources Director and career coach, and offers what she has learned that works in the real world of interviews. Overall, this is a must read book for any new college graduates who have real questions, and want reliable and effective answers to all of their most pressing interview questions.
I highly recommend the very useful and results oriented book Congratulations You Aced the Interview: The must read Interview Guide to land the job of your dreams, College Edition by Patricia D. Sadar, to any recent college graduates who are seeking a no nonsense and easy to understand guide book to interviewing well and effectively for any job in any industry. This book will give that new employment hunter a competitive advantage over other applicants and interviewees who lack this valuable knowledge.
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