Connected Services
A Guide to the Internet Technologies Shaping the Future of Mobile Services and Operators
by: Paul Golding
Published: October 25, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 350 pages
ISBN-10: 0470974559
ISBN-13: 978-0470974551
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
"Any digital service that brings people together in a meaningful way - to engage, transact,share, and so on - is a 'connected service'. This includes digital communications in telcos and on the Web", writes widely respected and unassuming product specialist in mobile and Web, and CEO of Wireless Wanders, Paul Golding, in his pioneering and visionary book Connected Services: A Guide to the Internet Technologies Shaping the Future of Mobile Services and Operators. The author describes the current and emerging technologies that form the foundation of the the latest connected services, and offers insights into how the latest technology will apply to mobile applications in fresh and innovative ways.
Paul Golding understands that the point where telcos and the internet meet is a leading source of innovation and connections between people and within technology. The author explains how these connected services based technologies work, from the inside out, and why they are important both now and in the future. Paul Golding examines the new technologies of including the Web itself and mobile 2.0 technology. The author offers ideas about open source, mash-ups, the advent of cloud computing, augmented reality, and Web 3.0. Through these in depth considerations of the technology, and their tremendous potential, the author demonstrates how these technologies can be applied in meaningful ways within and between connected services.

Paul Golding (photo left) recognizes he importance of enabling technologies as a building block for managers to develop meaningful and useful applications. The author discusses the critical and ongoing technological change that is enveloping the communications world,including the massive increase in Smartphone usage, and the growth of Web 2.0 and its ongoing evolution into Web 3.0. At the same time, Paul Golding addresses the promise and challenges presented by the ever increasing entwining of mobile networks and the internet, as they converge into one vast communications and information system. The author shares his thoughts on the latest and fastest growing software paradigms, and considers how internet based start ups really work. As a telco CEO, Paul Golding examines how telcos can adapt to these rapid internet and mobile convergences, and develop methods for achieving better and more efficient services.
For me, the power of the book is how Paul Golding examines the the overall landscape of the internet, emerging software paradigms, the evolving web, mobile technology, and the telcos as they converge into one overall communication and information system. Using the inner workings of Twitter technology as a model, the author demonstrates how the technology works in an approachable format. Paul Golding provides insights into how the various technologies work under the hood, as well as how the various systems mesh together in a holistic model.
I highly recommend the essential and idea filled book Connected Services: A Guide to the Internet Technologies Shaping the Future of Mobile Services and Operators by Paul Golding, to anyone in any internet, telco, business, policy making, or technology related field who seeks a clearer understanding of the rapidly changing technologies affecting the overall information and communications landscape. This book explains in detail how the underlying technologies, that drive connected services, really work in a format that is understandable and applicable for anyone with a basic knowledge of technology.
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