The Changing Landscape Of Retirement
What You Don't Know Could Hurt You
By: Mark Singer CFP®
Published: July 12, 2011
Format: Paperback, 136 pages
ISBN-10: 0983762007
ISBN-13: 978-0983762003
Publisher: ATA Press
"It is very important to recognize what you don't know because, without this information, you may make mistakes that will undermine your definition of a successful retirement", writes Certified Financial Planner® practitioner Mark Singer, in his eye opening and strategy filled book The Changing Landscape Of Retirement: What You Don't Know Could Hurt You. The author describes how profound changes in the economy have caused upheavals in the retirement plans of many Baby Boomers, and offers advice on how to ask the right questions to get that important retirement strategy back on track.
Mark Singer understands the frustration that Baby Boomers experience as they see their retirement plans not turn out as originally thought. For many Boomers, that derailment of their plans was due to not knowing the right questions to ask their investment advisers, writes Mark Singer. The retirement landscape has changed, according to the author, and with those changes new strategies must be put into action. Mark Singer provides an overview of the retirement situation facing Baby Boomers, and provides a method to transform a financially troubled retirement into a successful and opportunity filled transition in life's journey. Instead of a program, Mark Singer provides a strategy for creating a comfortable life for retirees.

Mark Singer (photo left) recognizes that many Baby Boomers made some serious mistakes in their retirement planning. Some of the mistakes were in failure to plan properly; while others mistakes were in not knowing the right questions to ask of financial advisers. Rather than bemoan those errors, the author provides an alternative and effective strategy to right the retirement ship. For the author, it's never too late to plan a retirement strategy that works for the individual needs and circumstances.
Mark Singer presents his Retirement Roadmap as a means of better planning for the transition to retirement. The author provides the tools necessary for transforming a potentially failed retirement plan into a successful one. Mark Singer breaks his book into the following sections to ensure that every aspect of retirement planning is given consideration. The sections include:
* Mistakes
* Fundamentals of planning
* What the future holds
* What about women
Deciding not to go it alone
For me, the power of the book is how Mark Singer outlines a process for creating a personalized financial plan for retirement. Instead of offering a standard plan for everyone, the author shares the techniques for creating a retirement plan that suits the individual. To achieve this personal touch, Mark Singer presents a series of planning tools, and provides the right questions to ask when choosing retirement planners and for selecting the right plan for the person's needs. The author also provides an important section that addresses the retirement issues faced by women as their lives transition into retirement.
I highly recommend the very practical and hands on book The Changing Landscape Of Retirement: What You Don't Know Could Hurt You by Mark Singer CFP® to anyone seeking an approachable and easy to understand guide to planning for retirement, that addresses the profound changes in today's retirement picture. This book could mean the difference between living a comfortable and enjoyable retirement, and one of constant need and worry. Mark Singer offers a means to plan effectively for the next stage in your life's journey.
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