
Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2012

Fire Your Sales Team Today by Mike Lieberman & Eric Keiles - Book review

Fire Your Sales Team Today

Then Rehire Them As Sales Guides In Your New Revenue Department

By: Mike Lieberman, Eric Keiles

Published: June 1, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 208 pages
ISBN-10: 1608323625
ISBN-13: 978-1608323623
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press

"Buyers have access to more information from more sources than ever before. They ask questions, get answers, read reviews, make comparisons, and start conversations with people they've never met - all on the web, all on their own terms, and all on their own time schedule", write Co-founder and President of Square 2 Marketing, Mike Lieberman; and Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Square 2 Marketing, Eric Keiles, in their organizational changing and idea packed book Fire Your Sales Team Today: Then Rehire Them As Sales Guides In Your New Revenue Department. The authors describe how the power of the buying equation has shifted from the seller to the buyer, that the old sales and marketing techniques no longer work, and recommend a fresh approach to sales and marketing to remain competitive.

Mike Lieberman (photo left) and Eric Keiles recognize that a complete sea change has taken place in the buying process. That dramatic shift is one where the seller is no longer in control of the transaction, and as a result, the traditional techniques of cold calling, telemarketing, and the hard sell are no longer effective. The authors go even farther and suggest that the old divide between marketing and sales is so counterproductive, that the two should now be forged into a single revenue department. In this new way of thinking and acting, the revenue department consultant acts as a customer focused guide. The customer centered guide answers questions, finds the real problem, and helps the buyer find a suitable solution.

Eric Keiles (photo left) and Mike Lieberman understand the need to facilitate a fresh perspective on sales and marketing, as a direct response to the dramatic shifts in the buying landscape. The authors point out the power and permanent importance of the internet in the transfer of power from seller to buyer. Today's customer simply does not want to be sold to, and will not react favorably to the old techniques. Instead, customers demand information, answers, and guidance toward real solutions.

To develop a fresh approach that really puts the customer at the center of the communication, the authors provide a three part approach. The three elements of this new way of thinking are as follows:

* Buyer behavior has changed through the internet
* Utilize the guided sales process
* Replace sales and marketing with the revenue department

For me, the power of the book is how Mike Lieberman and Eric Keiles combine a clear understanding of the fundamental change in the buying landscape, with effective and proven strategies for guiding customers to the right solution for their real problem. The authors address effectively the quandary where marketers and sales representative now find themselves. Faced with empowered buyers, but equipped with tools no longer effective for the task, the time for a fresh approach is now.

That new perspective is provided in the form of the three principles of a revamped revenue department, the guided sales process, and an understanding of the changing needs of buyers. The authors demonstrate how to align the new revenue department with the overall organizational goals, and share the techniques for successful implementation of the overhauled sales and marketing force.

I highly recommend the insightful and fresh thinking based book Fire Your Sales Team Today: Then Rehire Them As Sales Guides In Your New Revenue Department by Mike Lieberman and Eric Keiles, to any business leaders, executives, sales managers, and entrepreneurs seeking a clear and concise blueprint for navigating the new buyer focused landscape. This book will transform your current approach to sales and marketing from the obsolete model, to one that is both more effective and more profitable.

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Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2012

The Collaboration Imperative by Ron Ricci & Carl Wiese - Book review

The Collaboration Imperative

  1. By: Ron Ricci, Carl Wiese

Published: July 3, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 246 pages
ISBN-10: 098394170X
ISBN-13: 978-0983941705
Publisher: Cisco Systems, Inc.

"Improved collaboration represents your best opportunity to tap the full range of talents of your people, move with greater speed and flexibility, and compete to win over the next decade", write Vice President, Corporate Positioning, Cisco Systems,Ron Ricci; and Senior Vice President Global Collaboration Sales, Carl Wiese, in their hands on and results oriented book The Collaboration Imperative. the authors describe how the strength and potential of an organization lies in its people, and through empowering them to bring forward their skills and knowledge, the entire company will benefit from their ideas, creativity, and innovation.

Ron Ricci (photo left) and Carl Wiese recognize the importance of collaboration as critical to the success of an organization. To achieve collaboration as an organization, however, requires a complete transformation of the overall company culture. To ensure that the culture develops into one of collaboration, the complete and unwavering support of leadership is essential. Encouraging collaborative activities at all levels requires processes that help people to work together more effectively. Technology that supports and facilitates collaboration is another vital element in establishing and building a collaborative enterprise. Collaboration, as a culture and a way of behaving, requires a commitment from every level and everyone within the organization as a whole.

Carl Wiese (photo left) and Ron Ricci provide a complete guide to developing and supporting a collaborative organization, that will meet and overcome the myriad of challenges it faces, in both the present and the future. The authors understand the key to collaboration lies with the company's people. When employees are empowered to share and utilize their existing knowledge and skills, new ideas and innovation are the result. To achieve even more creativity and enhanced productivity, an even wider range of employee diversity is needed in companies. The idea that less variation works has been supplanted by the benefits of more diverse backgrounds and people.

The authors present the blueprint for collaboration as the fusion of culture, process, and technology. Within those three pillars of collaboration are the following concepts:

* Culture: Collaborative culture starts at the top
* Culture: Getting real about communication
* Process: Getting commitment to common goals
* Process: Build team trust fast including virtual teams
* Process: Stop wasting time to make the most of time together
* Technology: Unlocking the collaboration toolbox
* Technology: Eight high impact collaboration opportunities
* technology: The true payback of collaboration

For me, the power of the book is how Ron Ricci and Carl Wiese combine the theory and overall framework for collaboration, with the tools and strategies necessary to build a collaborative culture. The authors point out that while an organization may be on the cusp of collaboration, these small steps are only the beginning of the journey. The important role of communication within a collaborative culture goes beyond existing vertical forms. Collaborative communication is faster, more nimble, and travels in multiple directions.

Instead of consensus, the authors present evidence that diversity of ideas propels collaboration forward through different perspectives and ideas. The authors offer the path to building a culture, supported by leaders at all levels, that encourages collaboration through culture, process, and technology. The book is arranged to help facilitate and guide the transformation to a collaborative culture that is holistic and aligned with the overall organizational goals.

I highly recommend the transformational and organizational empowering book The Collaboration Imperative by Ron Ricci and Carl Wiese, to any organizational leaders and entrepreneurs who are seeking to transform their organizations from the static to the dynamic through the power of collaboration. With the challenges facing organizations from all directions, it is essential for an organization to move quickly, and this book provides the road map for success through a company culture of collaboration.

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Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2012

Golden Opportunity: Remarkable Careers That Began at McDonald's by Cody Teets - Book review

Golden Opportunity

Remarkable Careers That Began at McDonald's

By: Cody Teets

Published: July 16, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 1604332794
ISBN-13: 978-1604332797
Publisher: Cider Mill Press

"My story is the rule rather than the exception to the McJob myth, which inaccurately denigrates much of the quick-service restaurant industry and other sectors like retail and convenience stores", writes vice president and general manager of the Rocky Mountain region for McDonald’s USA, Cody Teets in her eye opening and inspirational book Golden Opportunity: Remarkable Careers That Began at McDonald's. The author provides the very personal stories of successful people who began their careers at McDonald's Restaurants, and shares the important business and life lessons learned while employed at the Golden Arches.

Cody Teets recognizes the underlying benefits that result from employment flipping burgers at McDonald's. Far from being a low skilled, dead end job that provides little more than a pay check, the author demonstrates through the personal stories, that the benefits are much more than commonly thought. Cody Teets points out that working at McDonald's develops personal discipline, self confidence, personal responsibility, and a sense of teamwork. At the same time, the author provides evidence that the job provides a unique opportunity to learn and practice leadership roles at a relatively young age. Cody Betts offers insights into how employment under the famed Golden Arches developed skills and outlooks on life that last a lifetime.

Cody Teets (photo left) understands that there are important skills and life lessons that can result from any job. Instead of viewing the pay check as the only end, despite its importance for economic and personal reasons, the personal accounts presented demonstrate that job value beyond the money.

The book contains the personal, and very revealing accounts, of well known business leaders and celebrities, whose first job was at McDonald's Restaurants. Some of those high achieving people include:

1950s: Lester E. Stein, Jr., James McGovern, Philip E. Rosner, Ph.D.
1960s: Jay Leno, Andrew h. Card, Jr., Henry "Hank" James Thomas
!970s: Andie McDowell, Leroy Chiao, Ph.D., Carla Harris
1980s: Jeffrey P. Bezos, Marlene Gonzalez, Laurieann Gibson
1990s: Jerry W. Hairston, Jr., Karen Wells
2000s: Eddie Davenport, Fatima Poggi

For me, the power of the book is how Cody Teets combines the personal accounts of well known people, currently successful McDonald's franchisees and executives, with the leadership and life lessons learned on the job. The author, and the profiled individuals, make it clear that taking a position flipping burgers under the Golden Arches, is not a dead end job. Indeed, for the individuals contributing to the book, the job was their step forward into understanding leadership, teamwork, and personal responsibility. Those traits, learned on the job, have served the employees past, present, and future very well.

Since many of the contributors went on to executive or franchisee leadership roles with McDonald's, including the author, the idea that there is no advancement within that organization is false. McDonald's identifies talented people, and promotes from within. That promote from within concept has also carried over in the careers of the former McDonald's employees. As one of the world's best run companies, McDonald's business model and processes are valuable case studies in and of themselves. The individuals profiled in the book learned those lessons and skills from within the company itself.

I highly recommend the very personal and life lesson filled book Golden Opportunity: Remarkable Careers That Began at McDonald's by Cody Teets, to anyone who is seeking a job, a career changes, or in understanding more deeply the lessons that can be learned from employment at McDonald's Restaurants. This book will open your eyes to why the idea of the misnamed McJob is not only false, but does a disservice to the people who launched their successful careers under the Golden Arches.

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Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 8, 2012

Victoria Grady: The Pivot Point: Success In Organizational Change - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Consultant, Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science in he Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at George Washington University, and co-author of the insightful and research based book The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change, Victoria M. Grady, describes how costly it really is for organizations to change successfully. Victoria Grady points out that over 70 percent of all organizational change initiatives fail, and that failure is often mistakenly blamed on employees for being resistant to change. Instead, the failure is due to what Victoria Grady calls a failure to pivot.

That important pivot point is reached when employees abandon the old familiar ways of doing things, and embrace acting and performing in a new way. Since people are attached to people, places, events, or processes in the workplace, change leaders must understand both the people and organization. Since this is not always the case, change efforts fail. Victoria Grady shares ideas for improving the success of change initiatives, and for measuring and tracking how employees respond to specific actions in the process.

Victoria Grady is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, August 30, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Consultant, Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science in he Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at George Washington University, and co-author of the insightful and research based book The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change, Victoria M. Grady, describes how costly it really is for organizations to change successfully. You will learn:

* Why change management initiatives really fail

* Why the usual charge of employee resistance misses the mark

* Why attachments as pivot points are more important to understand as human behavior

* How to find the pivot points and measure results in each step of the change process

Victoria M. Grady (photo left) completed her Doctoral Studies at the George Washington University in May 2005. Her dissertation focused on the inherent loss of stability suffered by organizations introducing and implementing organizational change initiatives. The research resulted in a validated model (LOE Model) explaining the tendency of individuals, often subconsciously, to struggle, resist, and potentially disrupt the organizational change initiative.

Dr. Grady continues to build upon her research in the field of change management and extended her original model to include a validated index (LOE Index) that quantitatively measures the tendency of individuals within the organization to embrace organizational change initiatives. The index focuses on the employee, and how factors inherent in change affect their performance. Subsequently, this shift in performance will have a negative impact on the overall health of the organization.

She is currently an Assistant Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science within the Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at the George Washington University. Dr. Grady's consulting practice includes federal government institutions, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies.

My book review of The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change by Victoria M. Grady and James D. Grady.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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Let's talk with consultant, Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science in he Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at George Washington University, and co-author of the insightful and research based book The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change, Victoria M. Grady, as she describes how costly it really is for organizations to change successfully. Victoria Grady points out that over 70 percent of all organizational change initiatives fail, and that failure is often mistakenly blamed on employees for being resistant to change. Instead, the failure is due to what Victoria Grady calls a failure to pivot. That important pivot point is reached when employees abandon the old familiar ways of doing things, and embrace acting and performing in a new way.

Since people are attached to people, places, events, or processes in the workplace, change leaders must understand both the people and organization. Since this is not always the case, change efforts fail. Victoria Grady shares ideas for improving the success of change initiatives, and for measuring and tracking how employees respond to specific actions in the process on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 8, 2012

The Pivot Point: Success In Organizational Change by Victoria Grady & James Grady - Book review

The Pivot Point

Success in Organizational Change

By: Victoria M. Grady, James D. Grady

Published: August 1, 2012
Format: Paperback, 140 pages
ISBN-10: 1614483000
ISBN-13: 978-1614483007
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing

"But despite all these advances in the field, the vast majority of organizational change initiatives still fail", write Assistant Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science within the Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at the George Washington University, Victoria M. Grady; and consultant and researcher into the human element in organizational behavior, James D. Grady, in their insightful and research based book The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change. The authors describe how the usual reason given for the failure of change management initiatives, one of employee resistance, is insufficient to explain those ineffective attempts, and instead demonstrate through research how discovering how and why employee attachments affect their behavior.

Victoria M. Grady (photo left) and James D. Grady understand that blaming employee resistance to change, for the failure of change management initiatives, is superficial and even misses the mark entirely. The authors propose the alternative explanation, based on their extensive research, that successful change depends upon finding the pivot point where change becomes a reality.

The pivot point is the time and place where people within the workplace leave their old ideas and attachments behind, and embrace the new. The insight that people become attached to objects, in the form of other people, familiar technology, a particular system or process, or an abstract idea, provides the key to understanding why change fails to take place.

James D. Grady (photo left) and Victoria M. Grady recognize that change leaders must focus on the individuals, and their special pivot points, for change to made effectively. The author point out that for many change leaders, the course of action is more wishful thinking than it is real understanding of the employees themselves. The authors provide the tools for improving change initiatives through measuring and tracking the employees and their response behavior to each specific element of the change process.

When the attachment factor is understood, and treated with tact, clarity, and dignity, people will respond more positively, and develop confidence in accepting and embracing the change. When it is recognized that the resistance to change belief is not about resistance at all, the change manager is able to look beyond resistance. The response is really a human behavioral one, and it can be understood as a reaction. With that insight in place, recognizing the pivot point of the attachment can be understood and replaced with a fresh approach and behavior.

For me, the power of the book is how Victoria Grady and James Grady combine their theory and research with practical advice for understanding the underlying, human behavior that can be addressed successfully to achieve real change. The authors move beyond the usual reason given, one of employee resistance to change, to discover the deeper reason that change efforts fail,through their groundbreaking research findings. The authors provide an important method of measuring each step along the change implementation journey, through a tactful and dignity oriented approach.

The book itself is a combination of a narrative business fable and a guide book. The story and characters provide engaging illustration of the the principles of identifying the attachments, pivot point, and measuring the reactions for easier understanding. The authors also provide additional insights in the form of the book appendixes, and they add enrichment and depth to the principles shared in the main book itself.

I highly recommend the essential and must read book The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change by Victoria M. Grady and James D. Grady, to any business leaders, executives, managers, or entrepreneurs in any size of business or type of industry, who are seeking an effective and insightful approach to achieving successful and lasting change management. This thought provoking book will change forever the way you look at change management, and the misunderstanding of the deeper reasons for employee resistance, to that change.

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Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 8, 2012

Talk, Inc. by Boris Groysberg & Michael Slind - Book review

Talk, Inc.

How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power their Organizations

By: Boris Groysberg, Michael Slind

Published: June 19, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 142217333X
ISBN-13: 978-1422173336
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

"Instead of handing down commands or imposing formal controls, many leaders today are interacting with their workforce in ways that call to mind an ordinary conversation between two people", write professor of business administration in the Organizational Behavior unit at the Harvard Business School, Boris Groysberg; and award winning writer, editor, and communication consultant Michael Slind, in their insightful and organizational reinventing book Talk, Inc.: How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power their Organizations. The authors describe how a new fountain of organizational power has arisen in the form of organizational conversations that recaptures the strengths and qualities of smaller companies.

Boris Groysberg (photo left) and Michael Slind recognize that previous command and control model of communication is no longer effective, and is even counterproductive for the company. That obsolete model relied on orders moving downward through the organizational hierarchical structure. The authors propose an alternative form of communication, in the form of person to person conversation, that is so crucial to the nimble and cohesive energy of the small company.

The authors provide the tools and techniques for large companies to incorporate the conversational model into their entire organization. With this more flexible and dynamic communication becoming part of even the largest companies, the energy and engagement of small firms can be harnessed effectively for a leap in performance and productivity.

Michael Slind (photo left) and Boris Groysberg understand the power of conversation between people to motivate and engage one another. The authors point out that conversation is more than just talk, but also includes careful listening to social media. One way messaging simply doesn't work in a social media, and in today's conversation based world. The microcosm of the company reflects that conversational interaction and exchange of ideas that flow in many different directions.

Through their in depth conversations with 150 business leaders, at companies of all sizes and types, resulted in the insight that four common elements of organization based conversation being recognized. Those trust building and enhancing elements are as follows:

* Intimacy: Conversation between two people that reduces distance from leaders
* Interactivity: Conversation is a two way street where ideas are shared
* Inclusion: Empowered employers share in telling the company story
* Intentionality: Conversation that builds on and aligns with the company strategy

For me, the power of the book is how Boris Groysberg and Michael Slind combine the theory and principles of organizational conversation, with the practical techniques for nurturing and developing the concept within any company. The authors present a very compelling argument in support of organizational conversation as essential for companies seeking more engaged and empowered employees.

The proven methods of the more dynamic and versatile small company are transferred to even the largest firms through open, two way conversation between people. This open and straight talking interaction that flows in both directions replaces the outmoded and no longer effective one way command and control system. The authors bolster their case with extensive research with business leaders who have discovered the transformational and culture changing elements of conversation.

I highly recommend the culture changing and excellence creating book
Talk, Inc.: How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power their Organizations by Boris Groysberg and Michael Slind, to any business leaders searching for a proven business model that builds a more intimate and nimble organization, with more engaged employees, and vastly enhanced levels of performance. This book shows business leaders how to apply the strengths and advantages of small companies, through the power of organizational conversation, to any size of firm.

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Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 8, 2012

Leapfrogging by Soren Kaplan - Book review


Harness the Power of Surprise for Business Breakthroughs

By: Soren Kaplan

Published: August 6, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 1609944941
ISBN-13: 978-1609944940
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"Leapfrogging is about changing the game - creating something new or doing something radically different that produces a significant leap forward", writes speaker, educator, innovation consultant, and Managing Principal at InnovationPoint, Soren Kaplan, in his revolutionary and complacency shattering book Leapfrogging: Harness the Power of Surprise for Business Breakthroughs. The author describes the command and control, hierarchical mindset, that wants to avoid any surprises at all costs, creates a roadblock to any serious creativity and innovation; and provides reasons why a process for creating surprises that lead to groundbreaking and organizational changing innovations.

Soren Kaplan understands that imply finding and developing breakthrough products and services is not enough. That is the standard operating procedure for innovation in the command and control driven organization. For the author, the concept of surprise goes far beyond the end products and services. Instead, Soren Kaplan demonstrates that the very process of creating and working with surprise is much more important. The living with surprise requires becoming comfortable with constant uncertainty, including the discomfort of disruptive change and the loss of orientation. Soren Kaplan offers the concept of leapfrogging where the status quo is challenged on every jump along the journey of traversing ambiguity to discover clarity.

Soren Kaplan (photo left) recognizes the important aspect of leapfrogging as a process, and not a unique event, and then back to the status quo. Instead of relying on that one big idea concept, that is part of the command and control mentality, the author provides a complete process for creating surprise. Instead of thinking of innovation as a destination,

Soren Kaplan presents the concept of leapfrogging as a never ending journey, where surprises can occur at every twist and turn along the way. The leapfrogging life cycle, in what the author calls a simplified form, goes through the following stages:

* Sparks of surprise
* Engaged exploration
* Tangible focus
* Fear and doubt
* Market surprise
* Breakthrough

To achieve success at each of the stages of the leapfrogging life cycle, Soren Kaplan provides his strategy called the LEAPS model. The model offers guidance and the necessary tools to to address the dynamics within the stages of the leapfrogging life cycle. The principles of the LEAPS model are as follows:

* Listen: Start with yourself, not the market
* Explore: Go outside to stretch the inside
* Act: Take small steps again, again, and again
* Persist: Take the surprise out of failure
* Seize: Making the journey part of the final destination

For me, the power of the book is how Soren Kaplan combines a strong theoretical framework for achieving breakthroughs, with a repeatable process for making surprises and breakthroughs happen. The author challenges the standard modes of thought, from fear of surprises and the often untidy work of creativity, to the very command and control model that works against surprises. Soren Kaplan takes an often counter-intuitive approach to breakthroughs that sorts itself into an understandable and approachable process for innovation.

Soren Kaplan's recognition that creativity is an ongoing journey, leads to insight in the form of leapfrogging, where the process itself lends itself to surprises all along the way. The author also bolsters his concepts, with research and examples of the leapfrogging system in action in the real world. He also provides exercises, and challenging questions throughout the book, to enable the reader to let go of the old mindset, and embrace the leapfrogging idea.

I highly recommend the insightful and engaging book Leapfrogging: Harness the Power of Surprise for Business Breakthroughs by Soren Kaplan, to anyone seeking a proven and endlessly reusable process for embracing surprise, learning from failure, and discovering unexpected innovations. This book will change forever the way you think about the process of innovation and how breakthroughs really happen.

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You Are What You Wear by Jennifer Baumgartner - Book review

You Are What You Wear

What Your Clothes Reveal About You

By: Jennifer Baumgartner, Psy.D.

Published: March 27, 2012
Format: Paperback, 272 pages
ISBN-10: 0738215201
ISBN-13: 978-0738215204
Publisher: Da Capo Lifelong Books

"Our clothing is a reflection of what we are thinking and what we are feeling. Often, wardrobe mishaps are simply our inner conflicts bubbling to the surface", writes clinical psychologist, blogger, wardrobe consultant, and founder of InsideOut, Jennifer Baumgartner, Psy.D., in her insightful and transformational book You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You. The author describes how the clothing we wear is a reflection of our inner selves,and how selecting the clothing that reflects our best self will change who we view the world, and how the world views us.

Jennifer Baumgartner understands that a person's clothing selections reflect much more about the individual's inner life than most people think. The author points out that even an examination of the ubiquitous clothes closet is symptomatic of that inner life. Jennifer Baumgartner provides evidence that every item in the closet results from a deeper and unconscious choice. Instead of simply offering different clothing selections as the solution to bad wardrobe decisions, the author examines the entire closet seeking out recurring patterns. Through a careful examination of the closet contents, the author offers techniques for breaking out of those previous patterns. When the internal issues leading to the garment choices of the past are understood, the person can improve their wardrobe, and change their life.

Jennifer Baumgartner, Psy.D. (photo left) recognizes that the makeover of a wardrobe also requires the identification of the inner issues that lead to inappropriate clothing choices. Instead of simply putting together new articles of clothing, Jennifer Baumgarter emphasizes that a personal breakthrough is an integral part of the process. The author shows that clothing represents the physical and outward manifestation of how we perceive ourselves and the world, our dissatisfaction with ourselves and our circumstances, and what we desire in ourselves and our lives.

The author describes how searching within, a person can rediscover themselves, face personal issues, find closure, and change their lives. The improved choices in clothing reflect that inner transformation as well. The book covers the various aspects of why shopping decisions are made and provides effective alternatives to maintain and reinforce that inner transformation. The examined topics include:

* Shop 'til you drop: When you buy more than you need
* Letting go: When your closet is overflowing
* Somnambulist: When you are bored with your look
* Body of work: When you avoid mirrors
* Your cover's blown: When you bare too much
* Adventures in time travel: When you are not dressing for your age
* Working for it: When you find yourself forever in work clothes
* It's all in the details: When you are covered in labels
* Getting back to you: When you live in Mom jeans

For me, the power of the book is how Jennifer Baumgartner combines the psychological reasons why people make bad clothing choices, with her proven advice for not only addressing those deeply seated emotional issues but also for making better selections to build a great wardrobe. The author goes beyond the standard style books that either touch on;y on self esteem, if they address it all, and presents a holistic makeover transition that starts on the inside to revitalize the outside.

Jennifer Baumgartner approaches the most common psychological reasons for buying the wrong clothes for the individual, with a chapter devoted to the causes and solutions for each wardrobe challenge. The author also provides valuable style tips that anyone reading the book can incorporate into their own wardrobe immediately. While the author recommends and guides the reader through the problems in their own closets, she also shares buying strategies for restocking that closet the right way.

I highly recommend the idea filled and engaging book You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You by Jennifer Baumgartner Psy.D., to anyone who is seeking something more in a clothing purchase guide than outward advice, but also real assistance in overcoming the inner self that causes bad purchases in the first place. This book will help employment seekers, business and professional people, families, and anyone else put their best selves forward and show the world they are ready for success.

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Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 8, 2012

Imaginary Line: Life On An Unfinished Border by Jacques Poitras - Book review

Imaginary Line

Life on an Unfinished Border

By: Jacques Poitras

Published: September 23, 2011
Format: Paperback, 342 pages
ISBN-10: 0864926502
ISBN-13: 978-0864926500
Publisher: Goose Lane Editions

"Borders are crucibles, places where populations and countries collide: how they manage that collision says much about them", writes provincial affairs reporter for CBC News in New Brunswick, Jacques Poitras, in his insightful and deeply personal book Imaginary Line: Life on an Unfinished Border. The author describes how the international boundary between New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA, represents a microcosm and a focal point of relations between individuals, regions, and entire nations on both sides of the border.

Jacques Poitras understands that despite grand political theories of security and free trade, and of a north-south or an east-west axis, a border is really about people on each side of the line. At the ground level, the author provides stories of people who behave as if the border existed only as an abstract concept. With the international boundary slicing arbitrarily across the Maine-New Brunswick region, people on both sides of the imaginary line share deep and multi-generational connections that transcend international politics, language, and cultures. The border, as a very arbitrary and artificial creation, was the work of politicians, diplomats, and international agreements. Those legal niceties break down when the author visits real people, who live on and with that imaginary line as part of their lives.

Jacques Poitras (photo left) recognizes that the previously informal border crossings became much more restrictive after 9/11. Political forces are moving in the direction of even more tightly regulated boundaries. Against this current reality, the past crashes up against the present along that imaginary line. Moving from that high level view, Jacques Poitras presents the border as a more human phenomenon, with more richness of life and consideration of possibilities, than a line drawn on a map. The recent political events have increased the isolation of two groups of people who lived their lives as one large community.

Jacques Poitras provides a richly nuanced, and very personal experience, of life on the increasingly isolated Maine-New Brunswick frontier. The author presents the the concept as a microcosm of Canadian-American relations through the following sections:

* Drawing the line
* Holding the line
* Blurring the line

For me, the power of the book is how Jacques Poitras presents the story of the Maine-New Brunswick boundary as a proxy for for the shifts in Canadian-American relations, and as a very human challenge that disrupts the lives of a long standing community. The book works on both the macro and the micro level. The ever evolving, and never completely finished border represents the constant winds of change in the relationship between Canada and the United States. While history often focuses on the high level events, as if the people affected by them were only an afterthought, Jacques Poitras brings the fascinating stories of real people to life.

The border too represents the changing political and social moods within each country. For Canadians, the ongoing interplay between the east-west and north-south views of development are reflected in that unseen line. For Americans, the shifts between openness to the world, and a closing into isolation, are also demonstrated in their ever evolving views of the border. As a microcosm and as a grand symbol, the Maine-New Brunswick border may be unseen, but maintains a powerful and ongoing effect on everyone around it.

I highly recommend the well researched and deeply engaging book Imaginary Line: Life on an Unfinished Border by Jacques Poitras, to anyone seeking an intriguing examination of the effects of international borders in general, and the Maine-New Brunswick boundary in particular, on the way people on both sides interact, think, and perceive the world.

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Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 8, 2012

Michele Price: Power Of Communication: Words Or Delivery - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Authority on building online communities, radio host of Breakthrough Business Strategies, and Founder and CEO of Social Media For Smart People, Michele Price, describes why communication skills are so crucial to success for entrepreneurs, authors, and speakers. Michele Price shares techniques for improving your communication skills in all formats. Michele offers advice for enhancing your social media skills, and provides her proven techniques for building vibrant and sustainable online communities. Michele offers her leading edge concepts and strategies of Communication-Relationship marketing, and shares her additional insights into improving your overall marketing. Learn how to avoid, and if necessary, how to correct even the most embarrassing communication mistakes. Regardless of your industry, business, or profession, Michele has the proven, hands on advice that will work for boosting your communication skills.

Michele Price is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, August 23, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Authority on building online communities, radio host of Breakthrough Business Strategies, and Founder and CEO of Social Media For Smart People, Michele Price, describes why communication skills are so crucial to success for entrepreneurs, authors, and speakers. You will learn:

* Why strong communication skills are essential for success in any career

* How to improve your communication skills in any online or offline format

* How to better communicate on social media and in online communities

* How to utilize Communication-Relationship marketing effectively

Michele Price (photo left) is an authority on building sustainable online communities, combining creating a difference in the world while generating a profit. She is a straight talking, bold and courageous female entrepreneur of 25+ years. Michele focuses on solutions and how to find the opportunities inside the challenges. By combining mindset brain-technologies with Communication-Relationship Marketing strategies, she has created a winning combination to align you with your purpose, passion and profits.

Michele works with speakers, authors and entrepreneurs helping them create effective media and marketing campaigns. She is the founder and CEO of Social Media For Smart People, and radio host to Breakthrough Business Strategies, which broadcasts weekly.

She has delivered presentations for Blogworld, Ungeeked, Affiliate Summit, American Women’s Society of CPA, TECH week as well as many business and professional organizations.

Some of the results Michele has delivered during conferences are being recognized as one of the top ten influencers of Blogworld 2011 and Microsoft Convergence 2011.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with authority on building online communities, radio host of Breakthrough Business Strategies, and Founder and CEO of Social Media For Smart People, Michele Price, as she describes why communication skills are so crucial to success for entrepreneurs, authors, and speakers. Michele Price shares techniques for improving your communication skills in all formats. Michele offers advice for enhancing your social media skills, and provides her proven techniques for building vibrant and sustainable online communities. Michele offers her leading edge concepts and strategies of Communication-Relationship marketing, and shares her additional insights into improving your overall marketing. Learn how to avoid, and if necessary, how to correct even the most embarrassing communication mistakes. Regardless of your industry, business, or profession, Michele has the proven, hands on advice that will work for boosting your communication skills on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 8, 2012

The No Excuse Guide To Success by Jim Smith, Jr. - Book review

The No Excuse Guide to Success

No Matter What Your Boss-or Life-Throws at You

By: Jim "Mr. Energy" Smith, Jr.

Published: June 22, 2012
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1601632126
ISBN-13: 978-1601632128
Publisher: Career Press

"I am not breaking any new ground here if I tell you right up front that most of us are absolutely addicted to making excuses" writes empowerment/motivational speaker, trainer and coach, President and CEO of JIMPACT Enterprises, Inc., Jim "Mr. Energy" Smith, Jr., in his inspiring and transformational book The No Excuse Guide to Success: No Matter What Your Boss-or Life-Throws at You. The author describes the importance of moving past the blame game and provides his ten secrets to success through personal responsibility and the ending of making excuses.

Jim Smith, Jr. understands why so many people indulge in blaming others, and how it can become a limiting habit of behavior. The author points out that while blame may provide an excuse for one's own inaction or failings, assigning blame does nothing to help overcome obstacles and taking charge of the individual's own life. To counter this almost reflective urge to make excuses or to blame others, Jim Smith, Jr. guides the reader toward accepting personal responsibility, and being accountable to yourself by owning your own decisions. Whether the excuses are blamed on people or on rapidly changing technology, the author teaches readers to transcend those barriers and take charge of your own life, and to start being a winner.

Jim "Mr. Energy" Smith, Jr. (photo left) recognizes the value of making the conscious decision to no longer make excuses for failing to take action or for dwelling on perceived mistakes. Instead the author proposes a complete reassessment of how you approach your career and your life. Instead of blaming others, Jim Smith, Jr. offers the more positive approach of believing in yourself, owning the choices you make, embracing uncertainty, and end the fear of winning.

Jim Smith, Jr. provides a complete set of ten guiding principles that he calls the Winning Ways. Those ten pillars of personal success, overcoming barriers, and winning are as follows:

* Own your choices
* Focus on positive outcomes and expect the best
* Embrace the uncertainty
* Do more with your best
* Listen with three ears
* Remove self-created barriers
* Pursue your passion, not a paycheck
* Give up "right-fighting"
* Avoid the "taking credit" trap
* Live with urgency and purpose

For me, the power of the book is how Jim "Mr. Energy" Smith, Jr. provides the tools and techniques to make real change in your own life, and challenges the individual to take action on achieving that personal transformation. The book is much more than a collection of ideas, or even of powerful and proven strategies for changing your life. The book is also a very hands on workbook complete with self assessment guides, written exercises, and several questionnaires that drill down to uncover your most troubling barriers.

Jim "Mr. Energy" Smith, Jr. calls his philosophy and action plan for living one of no excuses. The exercises in the book, in its workbook form, deliver on that promise. The guides to behavioral change within the book build and develop a sense of personal responsibility and accountability through the application of the ten Winning Ways.

I highly recommend the very practical and life changing book The No Excuse Guide to Success: No Matter What Your Boss-or Life-Throws at You by Jim "Mr. Energy" Smith, Jr., to anyone seeking to break free of barriers, break through obstacles, and become successful. This book will rid you of the cycle of the blame game and end the constant excuses, so you can get on with your life and your successful career.

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Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 8, 2012

Mark Miller: The Secret Of Teams - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Vice-President of Training and Development at Chick-fil-A,, and author of the inspirational and transformational business fable The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do, Mark Miller , describes what essential ingredients are needed to build effective teams. Mark Miller shares the three pillars to creating succeful teams, and also provides the techniques to transform those pillars into the foundation of great teams. Mark Miller understands that getting people to work together effectively is a challenge for many team leaders, and offers the strategies and team building skills that turn ordinary teams into a success. Mark provides a repeatable process for creating high achieving teams, and demonstrates how that process can become part of the company culture and the corporate DNA. Learn how to build successful teams in any sort of organization, both inside or outside of a business setting.

Mark Miller is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, August 21, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Vice-President of Training and Development at Chick-fil-A,, and author of the inspirational and transformational business fable The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do, Mark Miller , describes what essential ingredients are needed to build effective teams. You will learn:

* Why building great teams is so critical to organizational success

* What three pillars are required to build effective teams

* How to implement the three principles successfully with any team

* Why building teams benefits the team members as well as the organization

Mark Miller (photo left) is a business leader, best-selling author and communicator.

Mark began his Chick-fil-A career working as an hourly team member in 1977. In 1978, Mark joined the corporate staff working in the warehouse and mailroom. Since that time, he has provided leadership for Corporate Communications, Field Operations, Quality and Customer Satisfaction, Training and Development, and today he serves as the Vice President for the newly formed Organizational Effectiveness function. During his time with Chick-fil-A, annual sales have grown to over $4 billion. The company has more than 1,600 restaurants in 39 states and the District of Columbia.

Mark began writing about a decade ago. He teamed up with Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager to write The Secret : What Great Leaders Know and Do. Today, almost 400,000 copies of The Secret are in print, and it has been translated into more than 20 languages. Recently, he released The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do, which outlines some of the key lessons learned from a 20 year study on what makes some teams outperform the rest. His newest book,Great Leaders GROW: Becoming a Leader for Life, was released in February 2012 and was co-authored with Ken Blanchard.

In addition to his writing, Mark loves speaking to leaders. Over the years, he’s traveled extensively around the world teaching for numerous international organizations. His theme is always the same: encouraging and equipping leaders. His topics include leadership, creativity, team building, and more.

Mark has an active lifestyle. As a photographer, he enjoys shooting in some of the world’s hardest-to-reach places, including Mount Kilimanjaro, Everest Base Camp and the jungles of Rwanda.

My book review of The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do by Mark Miller.

My book review of Great Leaders GROW: Becoming a Leader for Life by Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with Vice-President of Training and Development at Chick-fil-A,, and author of the inspirational and transformational business fable The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do, Mark Miller , as he describes what essential ingredients are needed to build effective teams. Mark Miller shares the three pillars to creating successful teams, and also provides the techniques to transform those pillars into the foundation of great teams.

Mark Miller understands that getting people to work together effectively is a challenge for many team leaders, and offers the strategies and team building skills that turn ordinary teams into a success. Mark provides a repeatable process for creating high achieving teams, and demonstrates how that process can become part of the company culture and the corporate DNA. Learn how to build successful teams in any sort of organization, both inside or outside of a business setting on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 8, 2012

The Secret Of Teams by Mark Miller

The Secret of Teams

What Great Teams Know and Do

By: Mark Miller

Published: October 3, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 144 pages
ISBN-10: 1609940938
ISBN-13: 978-1609940935
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"If you can approach the idea of teams with fresh eyes,you could be on the verge of a tremendous breakthrough", writes vice president, training and development, for Chick-fil-A, Mark Miller, in his inspirational and transformational business fable The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do. The author presents the idea unfolding narrative of newly promoted Debbie Brewster, as she sets out on a journey to discover the secret of successful teams, and learns some valuable and often surprising lessons from some unexpected places.

Mark Miller understands the fundamental importance of teams to an organization. With teams forming the foundation of change and development within organizations of all types, the leader who builds effective teams will create a powerful competitive advantage. Not only is a competitive advantage part of the impact of great teams, but even more importantly develops and transforms the individual members. The people will think differently about themselves, their team members, and the entire organization following a positive and effective team experience. Through the cast of characters in the fable, Michael Miller guides the reader toward a deeper and richer understanding of the dynamics and challenges of building successful teams.

Mark Miller (photo left) recognizes that building effective and cohesive teams is not an easy task for any leader. One of the most difficult challenges facing the team oriented leaders lies in changing existing, and often deeply entrenched modes of thinking, by the teams members. While the overall principles of team development and management may be readily understood, discovers protagonist Debbie Brewster, their application in real world settings with real teams, is much more difficult.

Mark Miller, through the narrative of the business parable, introduces three three important elements of team building and development. Those three pillars of successful and effective teams are as follows:

* Selection of the right team members for the task
* Training team members to succeed on a continuous basis
* Developing esprit de corps where members are enthusiastic about the team

For me, the power of the book is how Mark Miller presents complex managerial theory in an easily understood format. The use of the business fable concept provides a readily internalized overview of the three pillars of team success. At the same time, the narrative provides detail into why team building is so difficult, and offers the techniques and ideas for transforming any form, size or purposed team into an effective unit.

For most leaders, understanding the overall team leadership principles is not difficult. Where the real and often daunting problems arise, is in the implementation of these principles at the ground level. Mark Miller, through the lessons learned and actions performed by the characters in the story, demonstrates how to not only follow the three team pillars, but also create and guide effective teams through the entire process to a successful conclusion.

I highly recommend the engaging and wisdom packed book The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do by Mark Miller, to any leaders, managers, non-profit executives, public sector leadership, sports team coaches, or anyone involved with the construction and management of teams for any purpose. This book will change the way that you approach the concept of teams and team building, and enhance greatly the results and overall success of the team in achieving their goals.

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Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 8, 2012

Tha Art of Being Unreasonable by Eli Broad - Book review

The Art of Being Unreasonable

Lessons in Unconventional Thinking

By: Eli Broad

Published: May 8, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 192 pages
ISBN-10: 111817321X
ISBN-13: 978-1118173213
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

"In this book I want to show you how applying unreasonable thinking can help you achieve goals others may tell you are out of reach, just as it has for me", writes entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder of two Fortune 500 companies, Eli Broad, in his inspirational and wisdom filled book The Art of Being Unreasonable: Lessons in Unconventional Thinking. The author describes how thinking and acting upon ideas and dreams that other people consider to be unreasonable, leads to success for both the individual and all of society; and shares his philosophy for creating greatness by doing the unreasonable.

Eli Broad understands the power of thinking big and doing great things that other people will call impossible. His business and personal success were the direct result of developing and acting upon ideas that were considered unreasonable at the time. For the author, those seemingly unreasonable ideas were not irrational at all. They were the direct result of study and research into the hidden reality of possibilities. For Eli Broad, that quest for new and unreasonable concepts begins with the simple question of "Why not?" With that critical question as a starting point, the author then offers his proven road map to achieving even the most seemingly unreasonable or impossible goals.


Eli Broad (photo left) recognizes that there are ways to be unreasonable in almost every aspect of business. As a result, the author has devises a series of principles about how to be unreasonable; and very successful in doing the unreasonable as well. Rli Broad shares ideas for asking the unreasonable questions that must be answered, either from others, through intensive and extensive research, and of oneself. Being unreasonable means striving to be the best, and seeking out the best of everything and everyone, in all areas of business and in life.

Eli Broad shares his timeless wisdom with the following philosophies:

* Forget conventional wisdom
* Do your homework no matter how much time it takes
* The value of being second
* How to work 24/7 and still get 8 hours of sleep
* The logic of being logical
* Motivating people by challenging them
* Giving back
* The unreasonableness of art and artists

For me, the power of the book is how Eli Broad combines his wisdom and philosophy of business and life, with the practical ideas to transform unreasonable ideas into reality. Unlike many books of this type, the author has put his ideas to the test in the real world, not once, but many times. In each case, the result was the unreasonable ideas were achieved through the author's blueprint for unreasonable success. The process of being unreasonable is a real world tested, and repeatable process.

Eli Broad adds depth to his concepts by sharing his real world business stories, and how he applied his principles of unreasonableness to reach his goals. As important as the achieving of success is the value of giving back to the society that made those achievements possible. Eli Broad is a strong proponent of sharing and giving back to the world. The author is also a vigorous supporter of artists and all forms of art, that beautify the world, but also ask the unreasonable questions of people and their society. As a collector of art, Eli Broad shares the opportunity for others to be inspired to be unreasonable in their dreams and ideas as well.

I highly recommend the engaging and deeply personal book The Art of Being Unreasonable: Lessons in Unconventional Thinking by Eli Broad, to anyone in any business, profession, non-profit organization, the arts, or interested in dreaming and acting on those dreams. This book will start you on that unreasonable journey, and provide the guidance to achieve those unreasonable goals.

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Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 8, 2012

Speleothem Science by Ian J. Fairchild & Andy Baker - Book review

Speleothem Science

From Process to Past Environments

By: Ian J. Fairchild, Ph.D., Andy Baker, Ph.D.

Published: May 8, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 450 pages
ISBN-10: 1405196203
ISBN-13: 978-1405196208
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

"This book is a response to the explosion of interest in speleothem archives of environmental change and our experience of being scientifically stretched to understand the processes that form them", write Professor of Geosystems, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK, Ian J. Fairchild, Ph.D.; and Professor within the Schools of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences at University of New South Wales, Australia, Andy Baker, Ph.D.,in their comprehensive and rigorously research based book Speleothem Science: From Process to Past Environments. The authors describe how the speleothems, mineral deposits formed in caves, are providing critical insights into the environments and climates during the ice ages and the following ages of civilization.

Ian Fairchild (photo left) and Andy Baker apply the principles of system science to Quaternary environments in a fresh and rigorous manner. The authors provide explanations based on a holistic examination of the relationship between the properties and composition of the speleothems, and the climatic and cave setting in which they are discovered. The authors recognize that Quaternary science is multidisciplinary in its approach, and the science of speleothems draws on many sciences and areas of study as well. The authors present the information as a companion to engaging in further, more specialized research into the many areas related to speleothems.

Andy Baker (photo left) and Ian Fairchild offer a complete scientific and geologic context for analyzing and utilizing speleothem as climatic archives. The authors demonstrate how to date and optimize the use of speleothems as proxies for climate change. The authors employ a systems science approach that offers both qualitative and quantitative analysis.

The authors organize their book into a series of overarching sections that cover all aspects of speleothems, their underlying scientific base and formation, and their importance as proxies and archives. The overview sections are as follows:

* Scientific and geologic context
* Transfer processes in karst
* Speleothem properties
* Paleoenvironments
* Archiving speleothems and speleothem data

For me, the power of the book is how Ian Fairchild and Andy Baker provide a complete overview of the science and insights gleaned from the study of speleothems. The authors take a system science approach to the study and analysis of Quanternary environments. The result is a comprehensive explanation of the various properties of speleothems and how they are produced in the various climatic and cave conditions through time and place.

The groundbreaking book provides a multidisciplinary examination of carbonate rocks, karst hydrogeology, climatology, aqueous geochemistry, carbonate geochemistry and the calibration of climatic proxies. The authors include countless data tables, and a series of black and white as well as color photographs to highlight and augment the text.

I highly recommend the landmark and very thorough book Speleothem Science: From Process to Past Environments by Ian J. Fairchild, Ph.D., and Andy Baker, Ph.D., to any students and professional scientists from a wide range of disciplines, who are seeking a holistic and comprehensive examination of the many topics and areas of research and study surrounding speleothems, climate, caves, and Quaternary science.

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