Fire Your Sales Team Today
Then Rehire Them As Sales Guides In Your New Revenue Department
By: Mike Lieberman, Eric Keiles
Published: June 1, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 208 pages
ISBN-10: 1608323625
ISBN-13: 978-1608323623
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press
"Buyers have access to more information from more sources than ever before. They ask questions, get answers, read reviews, make comparisons, and start conversations with people they've never met - all on the web, all on their own terms, and all on their own time schedule", write Co-founder and President of Square 2 Marketing, Mike Lieberman; and Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Square 2 Marketing, Eric Keiles, in their organizational changing and idea packed book Fire Your Sales Team Today: Then Rehire Them As Sales Guides In Your New Revenue Department. The authors describe how the power of the buying equation has shifted from the seller to the buyer, that the old sales and marketing techniques no longer work, and recommend a fresh approach to sales and marketing to remain competitive.

Mike Lieberman (photo left) and Eric Keiles recognize that a complete sea change has taken place in the buying process. That dramatic shift is one where the seller is no longer in control of the transaction, and as a result, the traditional techniques of cold calling, telemarketing, and the hard sell are no longer effective. The authors go even farther and suggest that the old divide between marketing and sales is so counterproductive, that the two should now be forged into a single revenue department. In this new way of thinking and acting, the revenue department consultant acts as a customer focused guide. The customer centered guide answers questions, finds the real problem, and helps the buyer find a suitable solution.

Eric Keiles (photo left) and Mike Lieberman understand the need to facilitate a fresh perspective on sales and marketing, as a direct response to the dramatic shifts in the buying landscape. The authors point out the power and permanent importance of the internet in the transfer of power from seller to buyer. Today's customer simply does not want to be sold to, and will not react favorably to the old techniques. Instead, customers demand information, answers, and guidance toward real solutions.
To develop a fresh approach that really puts the customer at the center of the communication, the authors provide a three part approach. The three elements of this new way of thinking are as follows:
* Buyer behavior has changed through the internet
* Utilize the guided sales process
* Replace sales and marketing with the revenue department
For me, the power of the book is how Mike Lieberman and Eric Keiles combine a clear understanding of the fundamental change in the buying landscape, with effective and proven strategies for guiding customers to the right solution for their real problem. The authors address effectively the quandary where marketers and sales representative now find themselves. Faced with empowered buyers, but equipped with tools no longer effective for the task, the time for a fresh approach is now.
That new perspective is provided in the form of the three principles of a revamped revenue department, the guided sales process, and an understanding of the changing needs of buyers. The authors demonstrate how to align the new revenue department with the overall organizational goals, and share the techniques for successful implementation of the overhauled sales and marketing force.
I highly recommend the insightful and fresh thinking based book Fire Your Sales Team Today: Then Rehire Them As Sales Guides In Your New Revenue Department by Mike Lieberman and Eric Keiles, to any business leaders, executives, sales managers, and entrepreneurs seeking a clear and concise blueprint for navigating the new buyer focused landscape. This book will transform your current approach to sales and marketing from the obsolete model, to one that is both more effective and more profitable.
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