Consultant, Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science in he Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at George Washington University, and co-author of the insightful and research based book The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change, Victoria M. Grady, describes how costly it really is for organizations to change successfully. Victoria Grady points out that over 70 percent of all organizational change initiatives fail, and that failure is often mistakenly blamed on employees for being resistant to change. Instead, the failure is due to what Victoria Grady calls a failure to pivot.
That important pivot point is reached when employees abandon the old familiar ways of doing things, and embrace acting and performing in a new way. Since people are attached to people, places, events, or processes in the workplace, change leaders must understand both the people and organization. Since this is not always the case, change efforts fail. Victoria Grady shares ideas for improving the success of change initiatives, and for measuring and tracking how employees respond to specific actions in the process.
Victoria Grady is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.
The show airs live on Thursday, August 30, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
Consultant, Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science in he Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at George Washington University, and co-author of the insightful and research based book The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change, Victoria M. Grady, describes how costly it really is for organizations to change successfully. You will learn:
* Why change management initiatives really fail
* Why the usual charge of employee resistance misses the mark
* Why attachments as pivot points are more important to understand as human behavior
* How to find the pivot points and measure results in each step of the change process

Victoria M. Grady (photo left) completed her Doctoral Studies at the George Washington University in May 2005. Her dissertation focused on the inherent loss of stability suffered by organizations introducing and implementing organizational change initiatives. The research resulted in a validated model (LOE Model) explaining the tendency of individuals, often subconsciously, to struggle, resist, and potentially disrupt the organizational change initiative.
Dr. Grady continues to build upon her research in the field of change management and extended her original model to include a validated index (LOE Index) that quantitatively measures the tendency of individuals within the organization to embrace organizational change initiatives. The index focuses on the employee, and how factors inherent in change affect their performance. Subsequently, this shift in performance will have a negative impact on the overall health of the organization.
She is currently an Assistant Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science within the Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at the George Washington University. Dr. Grady's consulting practice includes federal government institutions, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies.
My book review of The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change by Victoria M. Grady and James D. Grady.
Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.
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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832
Let's talk with consultant, Lecturer in the Department of Organizational Science in he Columbian School of Arts and Sciences at George Washington University, and co-author of the insightful and research based book The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change, Victoria M. Grady, as she describes how costly it really is for organizations to change successfully. Victoria Grady points out that over 70 percent of all organizational change initiatives fail, and that failure is often mistakenly blamed on employees for being resistant to change. Instead, the failure is due to what Victoria Grady calls a failure to pivot. That important pivot point is reached when employees abandon the old familiar ways of doing things, and embrace acting and performing in a new way.
Since people are attached to people, places, events, or processes in the workplace, change leaders must understand both the people and organization. Since this is not always the case, change efforts fail. Victoria Grady shares ideas for improving the success of change initiatives, and for measuring and tracking how employees respond to specific actions in the process on Blog Business Success Radio.
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