Go For It!
A Practical Guide to Success for Everyone
By: John J. Tassone
Published: June 15, 2011
Format: Paperback, 176 pages
ISBN-10: 1879384817
ISBN-13: 978-1879384811
Publisher: Cypress House
"Successful people are people who form habits of doing things that failures don't like to do. You, and only you, control your own destiny", writes successful entrepreneur and acclaimed speaker John J. Tassone, in his inspirational and success building book Go For It! A Practical Guide to Success for Everyone. The author describes his real world tested and proven ideas for building a successful career in sales, entrepreneurship, as a public speaker, for overcoming the barriers to achieving success in business and in life.
John Tassone recognizes that maintaining a positive attitude about business and life are critical to achieving success in any endeavor. While the author writes with sales professionals and entrepreneurs in mind, the same techniques that work in those careers will benefit people in every walk of life. John Tassone reminds his readers that becoming a success is not something that arrives automatically, but requires hard work and remaining positive that great things will happen. The author points out that success is difficult to attain, unless there is a clear goal as to what that success will look like to the person. When an individual has those goals clearly in mind, the author then guides the reader toward developing a plan to reach those personal targets.

John J. Tassone (photo left) understands that each person's life is an epic journey, and carries within it an important story. As a result, the individual must recognize and believe in that personal story, and build upon it with vigor and not wishing that it was a different story. With that story and a positive outlook in hand, then goals can be set to achieve greatness. While those goals are important, and the path to reach them must be planned, John Tassone reminds his readers that while on that personal voyage, additional opportunities and fresh goals may arise as well.
The author recommends that the reader seize those moments and opportunities for growth as well. In the end, however, John Tassone shares the philosophy that whatever goals are decided upon, it's critical for the person to take action. There are many problems faced by individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. What John Tassone recommends is that these challenges be recognized, solutions devised, and actions taken to resolve them. As the title of the book says, it's crucial to go for it.
For me, the power of the book is how John Tassone combines his personal philosophy for achieving success with his real world proven techniques for achieving even the loftiest goals. Along with the reaching of goals, the author also shares ideas for overcoming even the most difficult obstacles at any level and in any area of a person's life. John Tassone believes and demonstrates that any problem, regardless of size or complexity, has solutions.
What is required, writes the author, is the attitude that these challenges can be met, and the problem solved. To discover and implement effective solutions to these problems, John Tassone provides his methods that worked for him, and for countless other people as well. When goals are set, a plan put into place, and direct action taken, great results and achievements will happen for anyone.
I highly recommend the real world wisdom and practical idea filled book Go For It! A Practical Guide to Success for Everyone by John J. Tassone, to anyone seeking a hands on and proven guide to overcoming personal obstacles, achieving success in sales or entrepreneurship, or in their personal lives. Fr anyone facing life or business challenges, this book can help guide you back onto the path to success.
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