What Would Steve Jobs Do?
How the Steve Jobs Way Can Inspire Anyone to Think Differently and Win
By: Peter Sander
Published: November 8, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 0071792740
ISBN-13: 978-0071792745
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Ryerson
"Steve Jobs proved himself to be both a titan of American business and a titan of of our personal experience. Nobody else in history has come close to achieving that status. The world is immeasurably better for his existence", writes researcher, business consultant, and former marketing program manager in Silicon Valley, Peter Sander, in his insightful and thought provoking book What Would Steve Jobs Do? How the Steve Jobs Way Can Inspire Anyone to Think Differently and Win. The author describes how Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs was more than merely an innovator, but was a visionary leader who inspired others to greatness as well.
Peter Sander recognizes that the greatness of Steve Jobs, and what distinguishes the Apple founder from his contemporaries, is more than innovation. The author points out the legacy of Steve Jobs is felt in many areas of business, creativity, and of society itself. The author shares the genius of Steve Jobs as thinking very differently from anyone else; and of creating a company that differs radically from any other company. Peter Sander provides the innovative management concepts and leadership techniques employed by Steve Jobs for other business leaders to learn and emulate in their own organizations. The author writes that Steve Jobs knew instinctively the challenges facing business, in both the past few decades and into the future. Steve Jobs developed management, cultural changes, and leadership principles that overcame those obstacles in fresh and innovative ways.

Peter Sander (photo left) understands well the constant questions of how did Steve Jobs achieve so much and how did he do what he did during his all too short lifetime. The author puts together the pieces of the Steve Jobs management and leadership genius and the groundbreaking techniques he developed and practiced at Apple. Peter Sander focuses on the principles that made Steve Jobs into a transformational leader, and offers those insights for other business leaders to emulate and put into practice themselves.
Peter Sander provides what he calls the Steve Jobs Leadership Model. The model is composed of six parts that support and focus on excellence, creative thinking, and vision. The six components of the model are as follows:
* Customers: Know your customers needs and wants better than they do
* Vision: Move beyond the latest new product and think holistically about ideas
* Culture: Create an innovative culture with a positive can do anything attitude
* Products: Think of products in transformational and world changing terms
* Message: Send a message that becomes one with the product itself
* Personal brand: Create an image of consistency, trust, and delivering on promises
For me, the power of the book is how Peter Sander combines the theoretical framework of the pioneering thought and innovative leadership practices of Steve Jobs, with the practical techniques to incorporate them into any organization. The author goes beyond the usual biography of Steve Jobs or company history of Apple Computers. Instead, Peter Sander provides a valuable addition to the management and leadership literature through a presentation of the strategies and visions that Steve Jobs utilized so effectively in building more than simply a company.
Steve Jobs created innovative products as a side effect his dynamic company culture, visionary leadership, and a comprehensive insights into and understanding of the customer needs, wants, and desires. The greatness of Steve Jobs extends far beyond a computer company and its game changing products. The Steve Jobs effect had an impact on company culture, customer consideration, branding, marketing, leadership, creative thinking, and on the wider society itself. Any organizational leaders integrating the Steve Jobs principles into their own companies will find them transformational in unexpected and very positive ways.
I highly recommended the essential and game changing book What Would Steve Jobs Do? How the Steve Jobs Way Can Inspire Anyone to Think Differently and Win by Peter Sander to any business leader who seeks a game changing and competition surpassing approach to management and leadership. The vision, principles, and practices of Steve Jobs are in a class above the rest, and incorporating them into any company will turn that business into an industry leader in every aspect and sense of the word. You will learn to think differently from anyone else, as did Steve Jobs, and that's a good thing.
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