The Paradise Prophecy
By: Robert Browne
Published: July 21, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 416 pages
ISBN-10: 0525952233
ISBN-13: 978-0525952237
Publisher: Dutton
American intelligence agent Bernadette Callahan, investigating an unusual murder in Brazil, is joined in the hunt for the truth by theologian and religious historian Sebastian "Batty" LaLaurie. Together, they discover a supernatural battle for supremacy of Heaven and Earth, that has been ongoing for thousands of years, in the thrilling, page turning novel The Paradise Prophecy by award winning screenwriter and author Robert Browne.
Robert Browne transforms John Milton's classic allegory Paradise Lost into a literal account of supernatural forces at work for dominance of Heaven and Earth. Treating the great work as a blueprint for historical events of the past, present, and future, Robert Browne creates a tableaux where Archangels and Demons battle for supremacy of the modern world. The author presents Paradise Lost as a history of an actual ancient War in Heaven, that is still in conflict in our own time.
The anti-hero protagonists, Bernadette Callahan and Batty LaLaurie become a modern parallel to Adam and Eve, as they find themselves driven from Paradise, and into the harsh realities of the timeless battle between Good and Evil. Historian Batty LaLaurie has eaten the fruit of temptation that caused his fall from grace; and Agent Bernadette Callahan is immersed in the forbidden inner secrets of the Tree of Knowledge, leading to her epic fall from innocence.

Robert Browne (photo left) presents his otherworldly thrill ride as a modern vision of Paradise Lost. The chapters in Robert Browne's novel parallel those of the work of John Milton. As Robert Browne's epic story unfolds, it follows the course set by John Milton. Through this ingenious literary device, and the employment of Paradise Lost itself as a driver of the story, Robert Browne offers a stark and intense clash of Good and Evil that engulfs the characters.
With Paradise Lost as both historical record and prophetic vision, Robert Browne immerses the characters into their roles as a contemporary Adam and Eve. Robert Browne moves John Milton's War in Heaven to a very Earthly realm, where Archangels of Light battle the Demons of Darkness in a perpetual struggle through many thousands of years. The human characters, racing against a prophecy of doom for humanity, seek redemption and salvation for themselves, and for all of humanity.
I highly recommend the non-stop action thrill ride The Paradise Prophecy by Robert Browne, to anyone seeking a novel that works well on several levels. The story can be read as a supernatural thriller, a bold re-imagining of John Milton's epic Paradise Lost, as an allegory for the constant struggle between Good and Evil, as a modern day vision of Adam and Eve and their fall from grace, or of the challenges facing the world because of he dualistic nature of humanity. In any event, you won't want to put this novel down until the last page is read, absorbed, and contemplated.
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