By: Suzanne Gravelle
Published: October 7,2011
Format: Paperback, 291 pages
ISBN-10: 192700506X
ISBN-13: 978-1927005064
Publisher: TRUMEDIA
"I am living in self-imposed exile. I have intentionally removed myself from everyone and everything that is familiar. Whether it is because we need to rest and rejuvenate our minds and bodies or we need to explore and work through an issue that is troubling us without distraction, interruption or influence, taking time alone, in my opinion, is important", writes traveler and seeker of the self, Suzanne Gravelle, in her inspirational and deeply moving book Unfinished. The author describes her journey of self discovery that began with her resignation from her career as a real estate agent in Nova Scotia, and continued over a long tour of Canada, where she discovered the hidden places of the nation, and those buried deep within herself.
Suzanne Gravelle understands deeply that life is not always as it appears on the surface. Beneath her life of sameness, the author believed that her true essence was being lost forever. To free her inner spirit, Suzanne Gravelle took the extraordinary step of not only seeking her true inner self, but found the need to make that personal voyage of self discovery in what she calls her self imposed exile. She began her personal voyage and adventure by leaving her Nova Scotia life, and began driving across Canada, seeking her lost soul and Canada's lost places. She could find herself and her life's meaning in those expected locations. Her inner being dwelt in lost places as well, giving the journey symbolic meaning on two different levels.

Suzanne Gravelle (photo left) finds her journey manifesting itself in her chosen archetypes of the warrior and the gypsy. Like the gypsy, the author chooses a life of travel and living on the fringes of society, observing and learning of others and of herself. As the warrior has honor, integrity, and respect for the opponent, Suzanne feels respect for her journey and the dream that lives within her. As with a voyage into oneself, the necessity of disengaging from the allegedly real world, and entering into the realm of dream forms the vision of the dreamer. The author discovers her inner gypsy and warrior honor through her entering the dream realm through travel. Throughout the voyage, the author builds on those archetypes, and forms an outline of her true self.
For me, the power of the book is how Suzanne Gravelle shares both the interior and exterior aspects of her journey. Her inner voyage is a discovery of her true self, and the development of her preferred warrior and gypsy self. It was also a journey she had to take alone, in what she calls her self-imposed exile. Her exterior venture is the literal trip across Canada, but even within the context of that long expedition, she finds the less explored places in the country. As with the still undiscovered areas of her own soul, Suzanne identifies with the lost locations of Canada. Those spots parallel her own missing feelings, and form an enriching source of understanding for her and for the reader. With the voyage ending literally at the West Coast, Suzanne's journey of self exploration completes one crucial phase, preparing her for the next act in her life's play.
I highly recommend the profound and soul enriching book Unfinished by Suzanne Gravelle, to anyone seeking a guide and traveling companion, on the road to one's own inner voyage. Whether the reader is moved by Suzanne's inner travel, or by the literal transcontinental road trip, or by both at once, this book is a deeply personal adventure not to be missed.
For more information about Unfinished by Suzanne Gravelle, visit Unfinished on Amazon.com. You can follow her journey on her blog
About Unfinished
This is a true story of a woman who experienced such a profound awakening that she could no longer live the same way, the same life she was just one week before. She could no longer ignore the woman who was screaming to be set free from the ties that bind her to a life she no longer desired or recognized. The transformation to become the woman she really wanted to be has propelled her upon the most remarkable self-discovery journey of her life. She sold her home, gave up her career, kissed her children, grandchildren and friend’s good bye, got into her vehicle and just drove away…ALONE. Where was she going? 30,000km later she finds herself in the most unlikely place to try to piece her life together, trying to make sense of the constant feeling of being Unfinished.
About Suzanne Gravelle
Suzanne Gravelle is 49 Years old and has 3 children, 2 grandchildren who live in Nova Scotia. At the time this book goes to print she is single and homeless by choice, still travelling, seeking that place of comfort she will eventually call home. She spent most of her life living in Nova Scotia but her formidable years aged 10-25, were spent living on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. She resigned as a Real Estate Agent in Nova Scotia, to embark upon this most incredible journey, driving, exploring Canada and writing this book. Read Suzanne's extended biography.
Suzanne’s Links
Find out where Suzanne is and listen to a current interview on 1290 CJBK London, Ontario on Suzanne's blog
Suzanne’s own BlogTalkRadio radio program Wednesday mornings 10am EST
Facebook: Suzanne Gravelle on Facebook
Twitter: @tourwithsuzanne
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