Internationally acclaimed conflict resolution facilitator, Associate, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard Univeristy, and author of the life affirming and honorable resolution based book Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict, Donna Hicks, Ph.D., Ph.D., describes how dignity is the motivating force behind all human interaction. Whether it's in families, communities, the business world, or at the international level, people have the desire to be treated well and with dignity. Donna Hicks points out that if dignity is violated, then the result is aggression, violence, and hatred. Without dignity, the human connection disappears. Donna Hicks offers people an understanding of dignity, which is little understood, despite its universal desire. Donna Hicks examines the gap in the understanding and honoring of dignity. She shares a fresh set of strategies for becoming aware of the role of dignity, and for putting dignity into practice in all of our interactions with other people.
Donna Hicks, Ph.D. is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.
The show airs live on Thursday, February 2, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
Internationally acclaimed conflict resolution facilitator, Associate, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard Univeristy, and author of the life affirming and honorable resolution based book Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict, Donna Hicks, Ph.D., Ph.D., describes how dignity is the motivating force behind all human interaction. You will learn:
* Why dignity is the fundamental value in human interaction
* What are the ten essential elements of dignity
* How to avoid the ten temptations to violate dignity
* How to heal relationships with dignity

Donna Hicks, Ph.D. (photo left) is an Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University.
In addition to teaching conflict resolution at Harvard, Clark and Columbia Universities, Dr. Hicks has spent nearly two decades in the field of international conflict resolution facilitating dialogue between communities in conflict in the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Cuba, and Northern Ireland. She was a consultant to the BBC where she co-facilitated a television series, Facing the Truth, with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, which aired in the United Kingdom and on BBC World in 2006.
Dr. Hicks also works as a consultant to corporations and organizations, applying her dignity model to everyday business and relational situations.
She lives in Boston, MA.
My book review of Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict by Donna Hicks, Ph.D.
Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.
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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832
Let's talk with internationally acclaimed conflict resolution facilitator, Associate, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard Univeristy, and author of the life affirming and honorable resolution based book Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict, Donna Hicks, Ph.D., Ph.D., as she describes how dignity is the motivating force behind all human interaction. Whether it's in families, communities, the business world, or at the international level, people have the desire to be treated well and with dignity. Donna Hicks points out that if dignity is violated, then the result is aggression, violence, and hatred. Without dignity, the human connection disappears. Donna Hicks offers people an understanding of dignity, which is little understood, despite its universal desire. Donna Hicks examines the gap in the understanding and honoring of dignity. She shares a fresh set of strategies for becoming aware of the role of dignity, and for putting dignity into practice in all of our interactions with other people on Blog Business Success Radio.