Hiring for Attitude
A Revolutionary Approach to Recruiting and Selecting People with Both Tremendous Skills and Superb Attitude
By: Mark Murphy
Published: November 11, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 007178585X
ISBN-13: 978-0071785853
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
"If your organization is going to excel, it needs the right people. But virtually every one of the standard approaches to selecting those right people is dead wrong", writes leadership strategist and Chairman and CEO of Leadership IQ, Mark Murphy, in his pioneering and real world research based book Hiring for Attitude: A Revolutionary Approach to Recruiting and Selecting People with Both Tremendous Skills and Superb Attitude. The author describes his fresh approach to employing the right people for an organization that goes beyond the standard skills based human resources hiring techniques.
Mark Murphy recognizes that almost half of new hires fail in their job during their first eighteen months in the position. That is only part of the story, as the author points out that almost all of the failed employees don't succeed because of attitudinal issues. That startling finding, based on the leading edge research conducted by Leadership IQ, underlines the weaknesses of traditional hiring practices and techniques. Mark Murphy demonstrates that hiring staff based on skills, rather than a positive attitude and strong interpersonal skills, leads to workplace tension, lower overall morale, and lower productivity. To counter these attitudinal based problems, the author provides the strategies, tools, and techniques for hiring employees with the right attitude for the company culture from the very beginning.

Mark Murphy (photo left) understands the critical importance of hiring employees with a positive attitude. The right attitude not only benefits the employee, but also maintains workplace morale, and improves overall performance that benefits the organization as a whole. Mark Murphy points out that the reason that companies end up hiring employees based on skills, rather than attitude, is that they ask all of the wrong questions on the interview. Having the right skill set may get the applicant hired, but having the wrong attitude will ultimately result in the employee failing in the position.
To overcome this skills instead of attitude hiring dilemma, Mark Murphy proposes an entirely new and dynamic approach to interviewing employment hopefuls, including a completely different set of interview questions. The author also provides a unique and effective new system for scoring the responses objectively, to ensure that the individuals with the best attitudes are discovered during interview process, and are ultimately hired.
For me, the power of the book is how Mark Murphy shares very compelling evidence for the importance of hiring based on attitude rather than skills. The author also provides real world case studies and research based data that also show the value of employing people with great attitudes, as well as the dangers of thinking only in terms of skill sets. Mark Murphy moves beyond the theoretical and research based concepts by offering practical advice for finding the right employees through improved interview questions, techniques, and applicant interview scoring tools. All of the recommendations, for utilizing the enhanced interviewing practices, are based on actual results in real world situations in all types of companies.
I highly recommend the insightful and game changing book Hiring for Attitude: A Revolutionary Approach to Recruiting and Selecting People with Both Tremendous Skills and Superb Attitude by Mark Murphy, to any business owners, managers, hiring decision makers, and human resources professionals who hire employees for any positions within their organizations. This book will change completely the focus of the interview process, and find the right employees, with the right attitude for your company culture.
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