Screw Business As Usual
By: Richard Branson
Published: December 8, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 384 pages
ISBN-10: 1591844347
ISBN-13: 978-1591844341
Publisher: Portfolio/Penguin
"This is exactly what I am hoping to promote with this book: to find out why we need to change the way we do business, and how that might best be done", writes successful international entrepreneur, adventurer, and founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, in his visionary and thought provoking book Screw Business As Usual. The author describes how it is time to transform capitalism from a purely money making concept to one where business leaders play an ever increasing role in improving the world and the lives of people across the globe.
Richard Branson understands deeply that despite his successes, and those of his many well known companies, their employees, and their customers, so much more good can be done in the world beyond the current levels. Richard Branson points out readily that while business has provided an outstanding engine of growth in the world, his own companies and others have not stopped the global downward spiral into economic decay. Indeed, the author recognizes that traditional and narrowly focused business practices have accelerated that economic downward spiral. For Richard Branson, the exclusive concentration on profit has caused serious and damaging unintended consequences for people, countries as a whole, economies on all scales, and for the environment.

Richard Branson (photo left) advocates a fresh business approach of behaving differently, changing the focus, solving real problems, and turning work and business into a mission for good. While capitalism has brought many benefits to society, Richard Branson states that there have been many costs that haven't appeared on balance sheets as well. The damage to the environment and to lives were considered irrelevant when compared to the balance sheet only focus of the past.
Richard Branson offers evidence that narrow viewpoint is changing into a new form of capitalism that works toward to good of everyone in the world. The author suggests fresh thinking on how all aspects of business are conducted in all countries, how to solve major challenge sin new and creative ways, and how to create work that is part of a larger positive mission beyond only profit. For Richard Branson, the evidence that a new form of capitalism will supplant the previous form is that simply doing good is also good business. Benefiting others works for the company as well.
For me, the power of the book is how Richard Branson combines his vision for a new and positive form of capitalism with a blueprint for making that transformation a reality. Through examples from his own business experience and travels, and from the examples of others, Richard Branson provides examples of the success of his fresh new approach to a more humane and sustainable capitalism.
The author demonstrates clearly that caring about employees, customers, the environment, and the entire planet is not only the right thing to do,but that it's also good business. Richard Branson proves that ethical and sustainable business, are not only about doing good, but that they are even more profitable than the older, and now failing business paradigm.
I highly recommend the brilliant and landmark book Screw Business As Usual by Richard Branson, to any leaders and decision makers who are seeking an alternative to the failed model capitalism, and are seeking a renewal of ethical capitalism that works for everyone. This book will form the basis for creating a better future for the entire planet and all of its residents.
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