Degrees of Strength
The Innovative Technique to Accelerate Greatness
By: Craig W. Ross, Steven W. Vannoy
Published: January 23, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 126 pages
ISBN-10: 0979376823
ISBN-13: 978-0979376825
Publisher: Wister and Willows, Publishers Inc.
"Those who are most skillful at ensuring a vision becomes a reality know that everyone is capable of doing extraordinary acts. And, of this group, the most exceptional are developing this skill in others in every interaction of every day", write CEO of Versus Global, Craig W. Ross; and Founder of Versus Global, Steven W. Vannoy, in their innovative and transformational book Degrees of Strength: The Innovative Technique to Accelerate Greatness. The authors describe how leaders must inspire greatness in others, and create a world changing vision. They provide their revolutionary leadership building concept of Degrees of Strength as the strategy for achieving leadership goals.

Craig Ross (photo left) and Steven Vannoy understand that people within organizations have untapped potential for achieving extraordinary results. That potential, however, is not always fully realized, and the organization does not operate at peak performance. The employees also know that their potential is not being utilized to the fullest extent. They would welcome leadership that would help them develop their skills to achieve accelerated levels of improvement and unlimited results.
To achieve these outstanding performance results, the authors ask the candid and challenging question of how well would the team perform if it had no weaknesses. The result is what the authors describe a complete paradigm shift in the way that the entire organization approaches leadership and potential.

Steven Vannoy (photo left) and Craig Ross recognize that organizations already possess the talent for extraordinary performance. The authors provide evidence that the traditional methods of leadership and motivation no longer work. There is a need for a fresh approach to leading and inspiring employees to greatness. The author share their Degrees of Strength strategy of leadership based on transforming both the mindset and action. The concept considers that everyone has at least a baseline ability in any given skill.
What Degrees of Strength does is accelerate the development of that skill into one of excellence. The strategy also recognizes the importance of accepting the need for change, and for facilitating that change in an entirely new way. At the same time as the employees develop their new abilities, the leader must grow as a person as well. The leader must adapt and develop a fresh vision that works for the entire organization, and not just for the ego of the leader.
For the authors, that means that leaders must get over themselves, and transcend their personal ego for the benefit of all. The leader as accelerator is one who places development and change, for the achievement of peak performance, ahead of themselves. The result is a complete transformation in the organizational mindset and culture to one of excellence and achievement of never before imagined results.
For me, the power of the book is how Craig Ross and Steven Vannoy present the theory of the Degrees of Strength principles in a case study scenario. The narrative demonstrates the concepts in action, serving to better illustrate the techniques and change in mindset involved in the process. The authors present a compelling case for a complete transformation of the company culture, through a fresh approach to change. The authors don't simply put the onus for change on the employees either. They emphasize the necessity of the leader getting over themselves and their own ego for the good of the entire organization. Overall, this is an excellent book that can be read quickly, but can be reread over and over again for even more practical and transformational ideas.
I highly recommend the practical and engaging book Degrees of Strength: The Innovative Technique to Accelerate Greatness by Steven Vannoy and Craig Ross, to any business leaders seeking a book that will really accelerate change and growth of their organizations toward peak performance. This book will change the mindset and the actions of any company that puts the Degrees of Strength principles to work for their firm.
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