Quick Brainstorming Activities for Busy Managers
50 Exercises to Spark Your Team's Creativity and Get Results Fast
By: Brian Cole Miller
Published: January 18, 2012
Format: Paperback, 192 pages
ISBN-10: 0814417922
ISBN-13: 978-0814417928
Publisher: AMACOM
"This book is for the busy manager who uses brainstorming as a tool to gather input and ideas from his or her staff", writes management trainer, consultant, and principal of Working Solutions, Inc., Brian Cole Miller, in his very hands on and resource packed book Quick Brainstorming Activities for Busy Managers: 50 Exercises to Spark Your Team's Creativity and Get Results Fast. The author describes how to put the power of brainstorming to work for any manager, and how to achieve results that are both creative and effective for solving the organization's problems.
Brian Cole Miller recognizes that most managers are familiar with the concept and value of brainstorming as a problem solving tool. The author also points out that while the concepts of brainstorming activities are well known, very often those brainstorming techniques are not applied in the right way. Brian Cole Miller shares proven techniques that make brainstorming sessions not only more effective in resolving problems, but much more fun for the participants as well. The author points out that brainstorming isn't as simple as some mangers are led to believe. On the other hand, it's a tactic that is not difficult either, as long as the manager practices the methods for overcoming roadblocks that may arise, and keeps the ideas flowing smoothly.

Brian Cole Miller (photo left) understands the immense, and almost magical value of brainstorming as an idea generating method. The author provides evidence that since brainstorming activities involve everyone as participants, employee morale is boosted and commitment to the final solution is strong, as there is a renewed sense of clarity and common purpose. Brainstorming avoids hierarchical decision making, massive egos dominating the proceedings, and the eternal problem of group-think and their adherence to stale and outworn ideas. Perhaps, as the author points out, the most important aspect of brainstorming is that it is fun for the participants, creating a refreshing change to a more enjoyable overall company culture.
To achieve success with brainstorming as a problem solving technique, Brian Cole Miller provides the four basic rules of successful and effective brainstorming. Those four principles are as follows:
* Focus on quantity rather than quality, which leads to quality later
* Withhold judgement on the ideas as presented, and let all ideas flow freely
* Encourage the most wild and outrageous ideas as this generates even more ideas
* Combine and build on the ideas presented, creating even more great ideas
For me, the power of the book is how Brian Cole Miller provides a solid foundation for utilizing the proven techniques of brainstorming in any organization. The author guides brainstorming session leaders through the entire process from the important step of formulating clearly the right question to ask, and solving the right problem. With this often overlooked clarity of purpose in place, Brian Cole Miller takes the group leader through the rest of the process, until the final solution is discovered and put into practice.
The author shares many ideas and exercises for boosting the creativity level of the group, and for transforming the session into an upbeat and positive force for renewal of the organizational culture. Overall, this is an excellent book for both novice and seasoned brainstorming session leaders, and for decision makers who are considering adding brainstorming to the organizational creative tool box.
I highly recommend the practical and results oriented book Quick Brainstorming Activities for Busy Managers: 50 Exercises to Spark Your Team's Creativity and Get Results Fast by Brian Cole Miller, to any business leaders and creative teams who are seeking a very engaging and idea filled book for developing an effective culture of creativity and innovation. This book will transform the ordinary and often unproductive brainstorming sessions that yield so little for many firms.into vibrant and creative sessions that will discover effective and innovation solutions.
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