Shake the World
It's Not About Finding a Job, It's About Creating a Life
By: James Marshall Reilly
Published: December 29, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 288 pages
ISBN-10: 159184455X
ISBN-13: 978-1591844556
Publisher: Portfolio/Penguin
"It occurred to me that it would be quite valuable for someone to conduct empirical research by speaking directly with the young game changers of this generation, those who are at the absolute top of their respective fields, in order to find out how they found success", writes entrepreneur and founder of The GUILD Agency Speakers Bureau & Intellectual Talent Management, Inc., James Marshall Reilly in his inspirational and outlook transforming book Shake the World: It's Not About Finding a Job, It's About Creating a Life. The author describes how he sought to discover if there is a new blueprint for success that drives the young Millennial generation toward their goals, and how the current economic conditions are changing the way young people see the world.
James Marshall Reilly recognizes that a new form of success has emerged over the past few years. Young leaders are following their personal passion. This new success model is based on social justice and giving to others, creating not only work that holds real meaning, but also a meaningful personal life. For the young entrepreneurs profiled in the book, and for other members of the same generational cohort, the very definition of what constitutes success has changed completely. James Marshall Reilly presents a generation, coming of age in very troubled economic times, who are embracing a world view that values both work and personal success. Indeed, the two concepts of success are intertwined so tightly, as to be one and the same total success experience, for the young generation of leaders.

James Marshall Reilly (photo left) begins his mission to discover what traits and ideals that the new generation of leaders and entrepreneurs have in common. To make this discovery, the author interviewed some of the most important and diverse young leaders. The end result is an in depth examination of the worldview of Millennial leaders, and why they are so different in their vision than members of previous generations. That outlook includes not only building a better world, but also creating a better way to live and work within that new world.
The widely diverse group of young leaders, interviewed in the book, achieved the pinnacle of success within their own fields of endeavor. They created lives within their new world vision that created growth that was not only vertical, but horizontal in all directions as well. The author found the people he interviewed to have many traits in common. They all seemed to be humbled by their accomplishments, and achieved their goals by working very hard. The author also found the interviewees to be ordinary, everyday people who simply approached and engaged the world in new and interesting ways. In the end, James Marshall Reilly discovered that their blueprint for success was one that could be emulated by anyone.
For me, the power of the book is how James Marshall Reilly combines two important ideas in the book. The first concept is that a blueprint for success, from the Millennial generation perspective must contain three essential elements. One element is that a better world must be the outcome of any life. A second element is that work must be more than a job; as it must contain real meaning. The third element is how a person's life must also have meaning within the work selection and in the better new world.
The second important aspect of the book is the series of interviews, conducted by James Marshall Reilly, with successful young leaders in widely diverse walks of life. The author uncovered their common traits, the values, and their paths to success. The author found that the traits, shared by the interviewees, are readily applied to anyone's life. As a result, the book has much to teach, not only members of the Millennial generation, but of any other generation as well. As an added bonus, the book provides some valuable insights into the worldview of the Millennials, helping the reader gain a richer understanding of the views and values held by these amazing young people.
I highly recommend the idea filled and engaging book Shake the World: It's Not About Finding a Job, It's About Creating a Life by James Marshall Reilly, to anyone seeking a blueprint for success that goes beyond the standard success manuals. This book provides a foundation for building a wonderful new world, and for establishing a meaningful life of purpose within that new world as well.
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