Internationally known video game developer Patrick Alain, was kind enough to the the time to answer a few questions about his practical and very useful reference book The Leader Phrase Book: 3000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You In Command.
Patrick Alain shares why his over three thousand game changing phrases will boost your leadership effectiveness in any given situation, and with any size of listening audience from one to thousands.
Thanks to Patrick Alain for his time, and for his very comprehensive and informative responses to the questions. They are greatly appreciated.
What was the background to writing this book The Leader Phrase Book: 3000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You In Command?
Patrick Alain: When I came to the US in early 2000s, I realized that the overall communication level could be a lot more sophisticated in the corporate world. Business professionals want to learn how to communicate well, how to be powerful speakers and motivators, and most importantly, how to be great leaders. There simply was no book to help anyone get there quickly. Over the next ten years, I painstakingly wrote down the distinctive phrases that would help people speak more powerfully.
This passion of mine eventually became the basis for The Leader Phrase Book and I persevered in writing it because I really felt that this would be a major contribution to the corporate world. With The Leader Phrase Book, people can attain a charismatic presence and gain the respect of others. The Leader Phrase book is the easy to use, flexible solution for white collar workers.
We often hear that strong communication skills are essential for a leader. Just how critical are those skills to leadership success?
Patrick Alain: I cannot tell you how important communication skills are, and yet I will attempt to do so. Leaders must always try to answer the call. Consider, if you will, how effective General MacArthur would have been without “I shall return.” The effective leader in him knew that a powerful phrase, turned at exactly the right time, would inspire his troops to survive against all odds, but would also outlive him for decades, perhaps even centuries.
Joan of Arc was also taking on the mantle of leadership when she said to her army, “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” In speaking plainly, she was true to her roots, but this simplicity of style inspired the soldiers to do great thinks and eventually to change the course of history. By practicing strong communication in your everyday life, and by staying true to your own roots, you can become such a leader as this.
How important is choosing and using the right phrase for a leader?
Patrick Alain: Selecting and delivering the right phrase is paramount for any leader because it is his or her ability to do so quickly, calmly, and without error that becomes the talk of the mail room, the water cooler, or even the board room. Nearly anyone can spout mundane prattle at any given time, but a leader understands the importance of the proper words. Knowing which phrase to use is incredibly invigorating, just as fumbling for the proper words can cause others to lose confidence. Consider former president Richard M. Nixon, an amazing diplomat, but one who will forever linked to the irksome phrase, “I am not a crook.”

Patrick Alain (photo left)
The phrases suggested for each situation range from Conciliatory to Argumentative. What is difference between those two extremes?
Patrick Alain: There are times that the leader must be a peace maker or a master of compromise. This demands a more conciliatory approach to speaking. At other times, the leader must wage war, for lack of a better term, with others in order to carry the day. It is up to the leader to sense what is best for any unique situation and to know enough about correct phraseology to strike the proper tone in his message. In The Leader Phrase Book, I propose a wide scope of phrases for a given context. The phrases are sorted between two extremes so that the reader can pick and choose according to the mood he wishes to convey.
Can even the slightest difference in the wording of the phrase have a deep impact on the results?
Patrick Alain: Absolutely. A slight difference in wording can have a dramatic impact. Nitpicking on words is a very efficient way to destabilize your interlocutor. Lawyers are the experts. The Leader Phrase Book is to often provide slightly different ways to say the same thing, leaving it up to the reader to decipher their subtle meaning an to adopt the phrases that either make the best impression at a particular time, or that suit the reader’s personality the best.
Do the phrases in the book work for people who are not yet in leadership positions but must still get things done?
Patrick Alain: Of course they do. Nearly everyone working in a non-leadership role dreams of the day when they will move into such a position. Often, they have no idea how to approach the transition and are unaware of just how significant a comprehensive grasp of the language of leadership can be to them. This book is aimed squarely to people who strive to rise above. It can serve as their jumping off point!
What is the first step a person should take toward improving their communication skills and using the right phrase?
Patrick Alain: The first step is to purchase a copy of The Leader Phrase Book. It contains 3,000 powerful phrases that put people in command of their life and career. The second step is to carry this book with you always so you can read it, absorb it, and even practice it. At first, it might feel more right to practice the phrases on other people in your peer group. That way you can share the book’s power with others and practice using the phrases together.
This kind of role playing makes it much easier to know which phrases to use when it is time to use them on others who you do not know. The third and last step is to encourage others to use the material in The Leader Phrase Book once you have demonstrated to them all the good it can do.
What is next for Patrick Alain?
Patrick Alain: In 2012, I am scheduled to coach numerous business executives and high profile managers from Fortune 500 companies. On the other hand, I aim to triple my company’s size by writing and publishing additional books. I have a feeling you’ll be interested in covering those books as soon as they hit the shelves.
My book review of The Leader Phrase Book: 3000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You In Command by Patrick Alain.
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