Zero-Time Selling
10 Essential Steps To Accelerate Every Company's Sales
By: Andy Paul
Published: December 1, 2012
Paperback: 184 pages
ISBN-10: 1614480508
ISBN-13: 978-1614480501
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
"For any business the speed of selling is inextricably linked to responsiveness", writes consultant, sales trainer, and founder of Zero-Time Selling, Andy Paul, in his straight talking and sales results oriented book Zero-Time Selling: 10 Essential Steps To Accelerate Every Company's Sales. The author describes how it's critical for a sales representative to provide a complete answer to a customer's question quickly, and provides the techniques to ensure that both elements of a successful sale are in place.
Andy Paul recognizes that that the zero-time selling concept is not a replacement for standard sales training; nor is it a reason to abandon proven sales strategies in which the organization has a major investment Zero-time selling, according to Andy Paul, is about what is missing from those basic sales strategies. Zero-Time Selling is about what a salesperson can do from the very beginning of the transaction, using existing resources, to create an increase in sales. Many sales techniques fail to understand the importance of responsiveness which is comprised of the elements of content and speed. One without the other will result in lost sales, as the lack of one or the other brings the sales presentation or sales cycle to an unsatisfactory dead end.

Andy Paul (photo left) provides the basis for combining the principles of content and speed to produce the necessary responsiveness that comprises Zero-Time Selling. The principle of responsiveness has always been a key to successful sales, but that need for speed is more crucial than ever in the contemporary marketplace. For customers, further information and a potentially more responsive competitor is only a click away on the internet. Customers are simply better informed than ever before. For Andy Paul, the ability to combine information with speed is essential to demonstrate total responsiveness.
Andy Paul understands that responsiveness is often difficult to measure, but the concept is well ingrained into the customer; if not for the salesperson. Zero-Time Selling overcomes the expectation on the part of the customer that sales representatives will not be responsive. This element of surprise creates a positive competitive sales advantage for the sales rep. In place of relative responsiveness, Andy Paul recommends the more valuable and value adding concept of absolute responsiveness. The author calls this idea one of Selling With MILT - Maximum Impact in the Least Time possible.The author then provides his ten solutions based on the MILT principle to achieve Zero-Time Selling responsiveness.
For me, the power of the book is how Andy Paul provides a very practical step by step process for putting the MILT principle to work to achieve Zero-Time Selling excellence. The author doesn't criticize standard sales techniques, as he acknowledges that they are very effective. The Zero-Selling concept addresses the area that is missing for so many sales people. That area is the combining of information with speed. Sales people very often are good at one or the other. This book offers the link that puts urgency and information together to achieve the necessary absolute responsiveness that is demanded by today's customer. Overall, this book is a fine and timely addition to any sales reference library.
I highly recommend the hands on and sales boosting book Zero-Time Selling: 10 Essential Steps To Accelerate Every Company's Sales by Andy Paul, to any sales managers and sales representatives who are seeking a guide to overcoming the unmet demand of absolute responsiveness in sales representatives. This book will transform an ordinary sales team into one geared for absolute responsiveness to the demands of all of their customers.
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